Happy Sabbath Friends!

 Colossians 1:16 -17

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Calvary as a Science of Big Bang Creation by John Paily

If the Good news has to spread the world and bring peace, Calvary needs to be understood as a science acceptable to all. Only then will all knees will bow to Jesus and the world awaken Truth and God. 

Science is slowly evolving to Know Truth.  It is already reviewing their visions of the universe from the biological point as the ancient east visualized and understood.  East, especially great India visualized Universe a Conscious and Intelligent being. We are understood as individuated consciousness and intelligence existing within it, born in the time and returning to it in time. In short we relative to Great Soul, its heart, and mind. We exist in the field of this conscious and intelligent field of this great Soul. Science is already visualizing universe as Great Mind. Scientist are dropping Gravity model and are striving build models of the Universe on Information Theory. 


Einstein said 

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better” 
If We look into nature, we note that life works from Order to greater order. It transforms gravity into anti-gravity in its inner space. It shows creativity to build biological mass that grows against Gravity. It is time we look to a living system for answers. It is the time we look into ourselves. We the adult human whose mind is ego self and extremely material centered are the only species that align with the material world and its.force leading everything in time to the black hole and great disorder. A reversal time, however, is happening through the intervention of the God or the Creator. It is happening through Calvary Sacrifice. God’s consciousness and intelligence are unfolding to lift us back and put us into New Order. Christ consciousness is the Great Attractor, around which the Living universe is due to collapse into New Order. The spirit of Christ is transforming souls and illuminating human minds. Humans are due to awaken to the humanity in them, beyond religions and  know the true relationship with the Creator. 

THE CREATION WEEKEND (20 – 21 Oct, 2017) at University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

Many collegiates ever asked…..

Does God Exist?

How long have we been here?

What is really out there in the Universe?

Are the apes really our Ancestors?

Have we found the missing link?

Did we get here by Chance?

Is Evolution a true Science?

Were we created moral beings?

In today’s world of moral relativism, many young intellectuals plunge into atheism and agnosticism. Textbook deceptions abound and many have consciously and unconsciously given up on the idea of a good  self-existent God who upholds our universe. Albert Einstein said he believed in a higher power and intelligent design, but as to wether there is a being called God, he was skeptical! What do you believe ?

Join  us at the GNAAS Auditorium, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, as we reflect on Creationism, Evolution and the Present Truth come 20th -21st October.

Powered by: GNAAS-UCC and LOCS (Lovers of Creation Science)

Ridiculous theories by ‘Armchair’ Philosophers- THE STEADY STATE THEORY


The “Steady-state” Expanding Universe theory, advanced by Fred Hoyle (of Cambridge) and other astronomers.

This theory  postulates that the “expanding universe” is maintained in a “steady state” by the “continuous creation of new matter, from  which is evolved new galaxies as the older galaxies  rush out into limitless space.”
👉 He actually predicates an absurdity, for matter cannot create itself.  *”Something”* cannot be produced from *”nothing,”* except by the power of the Creator.Whilst it requires faith to believe in Creation, it requires a much more bigger faith to believe in this Theory.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Heb 11:3

​LOCS SONG OF THE WEEK (Lyrics).-Wonderful Wonder by Nathaniel Bassey​

 Psalms 40:5  says

​Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.​


On this Special morning, we want to share with you our first LOCS  song of the week. A song that inspires many Lovers of Creation Science. Enjoy the lovely lyrics and soothing rhythm of this masterpiece of Nathaniel Bassey (feat. The Lovesong). Nathaniel is a LOCS.

  • Versa 1 (×2)

Summer, Winter, Autumn, spring,

Mountains,Blue skies And the seas

Rainbows,Sunshine, And the trees

Jesus,Maker Of them all 

  • Chorus

Everywhere I go

I see You right there

In the beauty of nature

You shine all around

For You are everything

And everything is You

Precious Jesus

A wonderful wonder You are.

  • Verse 2

Morning, Noon time, And the night.

Voices, Rhythm, Melody

People, Places,Everything

Jesus,Maker, Of them all


Everywhere I go

I see You right there

In the beauty of nature

You shine all around

For You are everything

And everything is You

Precious Jesus

A wonderful wonder You are!


You’re amazing

Dear Lord  

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You’re amazing

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You amaze me

Dear Lord

You amaze me

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You’re amazing

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

Jesus You’re amazing

Dear Lord

You’re so amazing

Dear Lord

You’re so amazing

Dear Lord

Your love is amazing

Dear Lord

Your grace is amazing

Dear Lord

Your glory is amazing

Dear Lord

Your power’s amazing

Dear Lord

You made the heavens and the earth

Dear Lord

By the words of Your mouth

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Dear Lord

Nobody is like You

Dear Lord

Nobody loves like You

Dear Lord

Nobody makes like You

Dear Lord

You are so beautiful

Dear Lord

You are so wonderful

Dear Lord

You are amazing

Everywhere I go

I see You right there

In the beauty of nature

You shine all around

For You are everything

And everything is You

Precious Jesus

A wonderful wonder You are

Summer, Winter, Autumn,Spring

Jesus, Maker Of them all.


🌗All of the planets, except Mars, are immediately ruled out as possibilities because they are either _too far away — hence too cold — or too close to the sun — hence too hot._ Then too, they are either too small or too large, and so have either too little or no atmosphere, or have a poisonous atmosphere of the heavier gases.
 🌑Some  believe that life on Mars, however, is a  distinct possibility.  But note these facts:  

🌕Mars is 142,000,000 miles from  the sun.  Astronomers took a close-up look at Mars in 1954, when it approached to within 63,000,000 miles of our earth.  They were convinced no human life exists there.

👨🏻‍🔬Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper, director of McDonald Observatory (Mt. Locke Texas), said: “Human life on Mars is entirely out of the question because of the severe night temperature and because there is not enough oxygen in the air.”

🌫The amount of oxygen on Mars is infinitesimally small — only about one-fourth of one per cent per unit of volume as is in the air on our earth. “The temperature on Mars ranges from  a little above freezing at the equator during the day to about -90 degrees F. at night. Hence there is no liquid water on Mars;hence, no oceans or lakes.”

📮The facts about Mars are so well established, the question is no longer subject to controversy. 

👨🏼‍🔬 Patrick Moore, in his book, A Guide to the Planets, says, “The earth is unique because it is the only world in the solar system upon which we could survive.”

🌍Bible says, “God created the heaven and the EARTH.”

🌍As we have seen, the earth is unique in our solar system  — and as far as we know from  science, it is unique in the entire universe. This can be accounted for on no other ground than that it was CREATED by an Intelligent, all-powerful God.  And it was created for a specific purpose: that it might be a suitable dwelling place for mankind.


🌛 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. Psalm 104:19

A Full Moon rose as the Sun set on June 9, known to some as a Strawberry Moon.Close to the horizon and taking on the warm color of reflected sunlight filtered through a dense and dusty atmosphere, the fully illuminated lunar disk poses with the skyscrapers along the southern Manhattan skyline in this telephoto snapshot. 
📸The picture was taken from _Eagle Rock Reservation, a park in West Orange, New Jersey, planet Earth. That’s about 13 miles from southern Manhattan and some 240,000 miles from the Moon. 
Foreground faces of the modern towers of steel and glass share the Moon’s warm color by reflecting the last rays of the setting Sun. 

The tallest, with the shining triangular facet, is New York City’s One World Trade center.

Our God is great and greatly to be praised.
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Good morning🌝.



“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?  In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Job 12:7-10